United Public Domain Gold 4
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IconMaster Menus:
Main Window:
"Open" will open iether the file or an associated
Icon or both. From the file (if any) it loads "Flags"
(see below) and any ToolTypes associated with the file.
If there IS no file (or directory), these flags are those
of the Icon. From the Icon it gets Image(s), and if no
file, all the flags.
If niether file or icon can be found, a requester informs
You can run IconMaster with a file to start up with.
From CLI, type "IconMaster Filename". From Workbench, click
on IconMaster, then hold the shift key and doubleclick the
icon for the file you want.
(Flags: Deleteable, Readable, writeable, etc.)
"Save Flags Only" Does just that! No image or tooltypes
are saved. This is intended for situations where you wish
to change the flags on a file WITHOUT creating an icon.
"Save (FileName)" Saves the current Image(s), Flags,
ToolTypes, and Comments to "FileName".
"Save as" As above, but opens a file requester for
Inputting FileName.
"About" A little info.
"Quit" What do YOU think?
"Load Icon Image" Loads ONLY the Image(s) from an Icon
selected in the File Requestor.
"Load Brush as Image" Loads an IFF brush (or any IFF Picture
except HAM) as the Image. LIMMITATIONS: Will only load
the first two bitplanes, so brushes with more than two will
look strange. Loads only the upper left 314 wide by 98 high
portion of wider/higher Pictures.
"Save Image as Brush" will write an IFF brush file of the
selected image. Including a colormap with your workbench
"Edit Image" will pass the selected image to the edit
"Use Default Image" Will get the default images. There
are simple Images built into IconMaster, however, you may
choose default Images of your own by inserting ToolType
entries in IconMaster's Icon. Use "DISK=Filename" for
your default icon. Filename may be the device (ex: DF0:disk) or
a complete Filename. (ex: DH1:Icons/disk) The same applies
for DRAWER=, TOOL=, PROJECT=, and TRASH=. Note that keyword
must be UPPER CASE.
"Swap Images" Will swap primary and secondaty images.
"Copy Pri. Image to Sec." Will make the secondary image
a copy of the primary Image.
"Delete Secondary Image" Does just that.
"Icon Type" Will change the type of Icon to be saved.
In the edit window:
The top two rows are 10 color gadgets. (Bet you can't see
color 0! ). Starting at color 5, you get a dithered pattern
of two colors. The mouse pointer becomes the color which
will be put at that location when drawing. The "Pen" gadget
also displays the current color(s). To reverse the positions
of two colors, click the Pen gadget.
The next row of gadgets are Pixel (draw one pixel at a
time), Box (draw UNFILLED box), Circle (draw UNFILLED circle.
NOTE: Due to an intuition bug, unfilled circles draw in ONE
color!), Undo (undoes the last action taken, even Undo! (except
size may only be Undone, it will not toggle), and Clear (clears
the pallette).
The next row of gadgets are Line (draws straight line),
Filled Box, Filled Circle, FILL (flood fill from current
location to border of another color or edge of Image), and
(Ta da!) DONE, which returns you efforts to the main window.
You may return to the main window WITHOUT saving changes by
clicking the windowclose gadget!
The next gadget is Brush, which allows you to pick up a part
of your image and place it elswhere. When you first click it,
your brush pointer becomes cross-hairs. Pick a corner of the
area you want to pick up. Click the left mouse button and
HOLD it until you get to the opposite corner of the area you
want to pick up, then release. While you are moving, you see a
marking the area to be picked up. If you have allready picked
a brush, gone to another mode, and now want to use the brush
again, click the Brush gadget with the RIGHT mouse button.
Your most recent brush will return! Once you return to the
main window, the brush is lost.
Finally, there's the Text gadget. Click this gadget, and
a new window opens. The first time clicked, there will be a
delay while your current FONT: directory is loaded. Once
it is, pick the font you wish to use via the slide gadget
and left mouse. Or click "New Font Dir" to open a requester
from which you may choose a new FONTS: directory. You CAN
choose a directory with no fonts in it, but why would you
want to? Once you've choosen a font, click in the Text window,
delete "Text" and enter the text you want. Hit return, or
click "Done", and draw your text! If you change your mind,
hit cancel. You do not need to pick a font again if all you
want to change is the text. Only IconMaster sees your
newly selected FONTS: directory, all others see the one
most recently assigned outside IconMaster. As with brushes,
text may be recalled via the RIGHT mouse button.
Below these are four arrow gadgets which will Scroll
your Image within the window. Click and hold to repeat.
If you accidentaly scroll part of your image out of the window,
Undo will allow you to start over, provided you don't perform
any other action first.
To the left of these are a stack of gadgets which are
pretty self-explainatory except that "Std Colors" will allow
you to see the Image in the "standard" Workbench colors.
Click it quickly, it will change and lock. Click again to
return to your colors. Click and hold a bit, it will return
your colors when you release it. Note that if you are allready
using the "standard" workbench colors, this gadget will
not seem to do anything!
The two slide gadgets control which portion of your image is
displayed in the magnify window.
There's a menu to allow you to Swap Colors. If you choose
"0 and 1", all pixels now color 0 will be changed to color 1,
and vica versa.
IconMaster has keyboard equivelants in the draw window.
A help page tells you what they are.
Want to see it? Push (gasp!) the "Help" key!
(How novel!)
IconMaster's file requester looks very much like the ARP file
requester with a fwew changes. The Drawer box ALLWAYS tells
you the full pathname to the current directory starting with
the volume name! The Device list is ALLWAYS there. Click the
right mouse button, and the top of the display will move in
rotation as follows:
If the top listing is a file, it moves to the first directory,
or if there are none, to the first Disk Drive.
If the top listing is a directory, it moves to the first
Disk Drive.
If the top listing is a Disk Drive, it moves to the first
assigned directory.(Examples of assigned directories: C: DEVS:)
Finally, if the top listing is an assigned device, it moves
to the first file. (Head of the list).
For IconMaster, it has been modified to allow you to return
a directory name, so you can choose a new font dir., or load
a drawer Icon.
If you choose Cancel, the program does NOT get the filename
selected. (With ARP, Cancel leaves your program with NO filename,
and the CHeath requester changes the program's idea of what it's
filename is!
If you use IconMaster, a shareware fee of $10.00 or more is expected.
Send $20.00 and a disk in a postage paid, self-addressed mailer, or
$25.00 (or more if you like!) to receive IconMaster V2.0. V2 will
handle 8/16 color icons!! Suggestions for other new features
gratefully accepted!
Have fun, and enjoy IconMaster!!
John Scheib
3805 Fairway Circle
Las Vegas, Nevada 89108
OR RCBBS (702) 364-8721